In my quest to help my clients improve more effectively, I've attended numerous seminars, conferences, on line learning, books, reserach papers from world renowned specialists within
the golf industry.
A couple of years I came across American coach Tyler Ferrel. His interpretation and understanding of the golf swing is unmatched in the world of golf. He has devised an amazing framework to help all
golfers improve. His website where he shares his vast knowledge 'GolfSmartAcademy' has a vast library of drills, concepts and
I am now a certified GSA coach, many of the drills and concepts I now use in my everyday coaching. Check out website at GolfSmart Academy
I would highly recommend taking a look at the website, not only will it fully compliment your coaching sessions with me but it will provide valuable resources, concepts and drills to enhance your
It is a subsciption based website, you can get free access to all the content for a 7 day trail, it's amazing value for the quality of the information. Forget those endless searches of recycled quick
fix youtube videos!